- The major examinations for Preparatory, Kinder, Elementary and Junior High are the monthly tests and quarterly periodical examinations. Quizzes and other short examinations shall also be given at the discretion of the teachers.
- The major examination for Senior High are Prelim, Midterm, Pre-Final and Final examination.
- Special examination for missed quizzes shall be given only for the following reasons.
- Absences due to sickness, death of immediate family members.
- While in the performance of an official representation of the school as approved by the Principal/ Senior High School Coordinator.
- Any valid reason recommended by the subject teacher and approved by the Principal/Senior High School Coordinator.
- In cases of missed examinations, tests or quizzes, the pupil/student shall receive no credit and will earn a zero “0” score.
Pupils/Students who are official delegates/representatives of the SCHOOL in major academic competition and sports meets set outside the school, who are required to spend considerable time outside the classroom for preparation and competition shall be rated as follows:
- If incurred during the 1st and/or 2nd grading/quarter periods – according to examinations taken and regular class performance; and
- If incurred during the 3rd and/or 4th grading/quarter periods – retain the highest grade(s) from the previous quarters.
- The NUMERICAL SYSTEM of grading/ rating shall be employed, except for the pre-school levels where the PASS /FAIL system may be adopted;
- The range of numerical transmuted grades shall be 60 and 100 respectively;
- The quarterly grades/ rating shall be computed using the following distribution:
Components |
Languages |
AP |
Science |
Math |
Written Work |
30% |
40% |
20% |
Performance Tasks |
50% |
40% |
60% |
Quarterly Assessment |
20% |
20% |
20% |
Core Subjects
All other Subjects
Academic Track
Technical – Vocational and Livelihood (TVL)/ Sports/ Arts and Design Track |
Work Immersion/ Research/ Business Enterprise Simulation/Exhibit Performance |
All other Subjects |
Work Immersion/ Research/ Exhibit/ Performance |
Written Work |
25% |
25% |
35% |
20% |
Performance Tasks |
50% |
45% |
40% |
60% |
Quarterly Assessment |
25% |
30% |
25% |
20% |
Written Work (WW)
- Monthly tests/ Quizzes
- Homework
- Seatwork/ activity
- Other criteria based on DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015
Performance Tasks
- Recitation/ Board work
- Class Performance ( Classroom Outputs showing proper behavior and conduct)
- Project
- Other Criteria based on DepED Order No. 8, s. 2015
- Honors and Awards
- In line with the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533 , otherwise known as Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 ( K to 12 Law), Forbes Academy is adopting the Department of Education Order No. 36, S 2016, Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Programs.
5 – Homework
- The volume and complexity of homework shall be calibrated such that it should not consume more than one (1) hour of time for an ordinary student.
- As far as practicable, homework shall not be given on Fridays.
- All pupils/students are required to attend the flag raising ceremony on Mondays at 7:15am.During the flag raising ceremony, pupils/ students must stand silently and attentively in formation facing the flag while singing the National Anthem. Each pupil/ student must come to attention and place their right palm over the left chest. All pupils/ students should properly and actively participate in reciting the prayers, singing of the hymn and reciting the pledges.
- The pupils/ students whose dismissal is at 4:00pm shall attend the flag retreat ceremony on Fridays at 4:15pm
II – School Uniform
- All pupils/ students must wear the prescribed uniform at all times, while in the school premises during school days including examination days. Everybody is required to wear black leather shoes and white socks. For boys undershirt must be strictly plain white t-shirt or white sando and tucked-in.
- It is Improper to wear the school uniform with-(1) COLORED UNDERSHIRT, (2) colored, lace or fancy socks, (3) rubber shoes, (4) unfastened buttons, and (4) pins, badges, accessories, accent or other attachments.
- Pupils/Students not wearing the complete prescribed uniform or in improper uniform shall not be allowed to enter the schools premises, or attend/ participate in school activities or functions, unless there will be a valid reason given by the parents/ guardians in a form of letter.
- Wearing of school uniform outside the school during class hours for unofficial function is not allowed.
III – PE Uniform
- Only the prescribed complete set of PE Uniform must be worn with appropriate RUBBER SHOES during PE days and other official school athletic activities.
- Students wearing in complete or improper uniform shall not be allowed to enter the school premises during PE days, unless there will be a valid reason given by the parents/ guardian in a form of letter.
- Must be worn around their neck with the official lanyard at all times while inside the school premises.
- Pupils/ Students without ID’s or whose ID’s are invalid shall not be allowed entry in the school.
- Considered as school property, and borrowing or lending of ID card is prohibited, tampering and destruction thereof.
- In case of loss, a replacement ID card should be secured, subject to payment of P100.00 as the applicable replacement fee.
- All pupils/ students must observed proper grooming and personal hygiene. They should appear clean and neat.
- Nails should be kept trimmed
- Boys shall sport clean cut hair style with hair length 1 inch above the collar and ears (Barbers Cut).
- The following are prohibited and valid grounds to be refused entry in school premises:
- Long or colored nails;
- Girls wearing make-up like lipstick, eyeliner, etc.
- Fancy or unconventional hair styles, colored hair, and long hair (backside or front) for boys;
- Jewelry or other personal accessories, except wristwatch and necklace worn under the outer garment, and stud earrings for girls.
- A pupil/student is considered tardy if he/ she comes to class within fourteen (14) minutes after classes have started, either in the morning or in the afternoon session.
- A student who arrives fifteen (15) minutes, but not later than thirty (30) minutes after classes have started shall be considered absent for the entire first class period only.
- A pupil/ student who arrive late will be subjected to community service after committing first offense.
- A pupil/ student who is absent from the class, he/she must present an excuse letter signed by the parents/ guardians otherwise they are not allowed to enter their class.
- A pupil/ student who comes thirty-one (31) minutes after the start of the first class period, either in the morning or afternoon shall be considered absent for the entire morning or afternoon session as the case may be.
- A learner who incurs absences of more than 20% of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods during the school year or semester should be given a failing grades and not earn credits of the learning area or subject based on the DepEd order no. 8 series 2015 unless there is a valid reason supported by documents .
- No pupils/ students are allowed to leave the classroom during class hours unless summoned by the Prefect of Discipline, Guidance Counselor and Nurse, upon the approval of the Principal.
- Pupils/students are allowed to leave the classroom one at a time for personal necessities.
- Buying pad paper, coupon bonds, pens and other school materials and borrowing of books during class hours are strictly prohibited.
- Buying foods at the canteen are strictly prohibited during class hours.
The following Items, objects and devices are not allowed to be brought inside the campus.
- Weapons and objects that may be used as weapons, such as pipes, brass knuckles, baseball bats, sticks, knives of any kind, and stones/ rocks;
- Prohibited and addicted drugs or substances;
- Intoxicating or alcoholic liquors;
- Pornographic or lewd publications;
- Toys, novelty items, gaming or entertainment devices (game boy, ear/ head phone, radio, mobile television, tablets, and the like);
- Mobile telephones (optional);
- Comic books, magazines, and other printed materials;
- Other personal items which are not related to class work.
- Only pupils/ students who are officially enrolled shall be allowed entry;
- Parents are likewise not allowed in the school premises during school hours except when transacting official business
- Only the attending parents of pre-school pupils may wait until dismissal time inside the school premises but must stay in the designated waiting area.
- Pupils/ students may exit from the school premises only after dismissal in the afternoon.
- No pupil/ student will be allowed to exit the school before dismissal unless fetched by a parent/ guardian.
- Pre-school up to Grade 3 pupils will not be allowed to exit the school premises after dismissal except when they are fetched by a parent/ guardian.
- Pupils/ Students from Grade 4 and higher levels will be allowed to exit after dismissal on their own.
- It shall be the sole responsibility of the parent(s) to fetch their children/ ward immediately at dismissal.
- Pupil/students are only allowed to go out during lunch break unless they have a Parents permit submitted to the Principal/ Discipline officer.
- Students are advised to keep their mobile phones off.
- Advisers/ Subject Teachers have the right to confiscate mobile phones of students in case they caught them texting and/or using mobile phones while having classes, unless required by the teacher for research or activity purposes.
Students who will violate the policy on proper use of mobile phones will receive the following sanctions:
First Offense: Oral Warning
Second Offense: Written Letter from Discipline Officer/ Principal address to the parents for claiming the confiscated mobile phone with the agreement from the parents.
Third Offense: Community Service
Fourth Offense: Suspension for 1 day